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Karina uses the FluxCD controller for GitOps

Getting Started

First, Flux needs to deployed using the following karina snippet:

  - gitUrl: !!template https://{{ getenv "GITHUB_BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN" }}
    fluxVersion: 1.20.0
karina deploy gitops


If a namespace is not specified a cluster-wide flux controller is deployed into kube-system with cluster-admin privileges, ensure that the git repository it is linked to has appropriate access control

Once deployed Flux will periodically poll the Git repository and apply the matches files into the corresponding namespaces.


Field Description Scheme Required
name The name of the gitops deployment, defaults to namespace name string
disableScanning Do not scan container image registries to fill in the registry cache, implies --git-read-only (default: true) *bool
namespace The namespace to deploy the GitOps operator into, if empty then it will be deployed cluster-wide into kube-system string
gitUrl The URL to git repository to clone string Yes
gitBranch The git branch to use (default: master) string
gitPath The path with in the git repository to look for YAML in (default: .) string
gitPollInterval The frequency with which to fetch the git repository (default: 5m0s) string
syncInterval The frequency with which to sync the manifests in the repository to the cluster (default: 5m0s) string
gitKey The Kubernetes secret to use for cloning, if it does not exist it will be generated (default: flux-$name-git-deploy) string
knownHosts The contents of the known_hosts file to mount into Flux and helm-operator string
sshConfig The contents of the ~/.ssh/config file to mount into Flux and helm-operator string
fluxVersion The version to use for flux (default: 1.9.0 ) string
args a map of args to pass to flux without -- prepended. See fluxd for a full list map[string]string

Using an internal git repository

  - namespace: web-dev
    fluxVersion: 1.20.1.flanksource.1
    gitUrl: ssh://
    gitPath: ./workloads
        gitKey: !!template '{{file.Read "deploy.key" |  base64.Encode}}'
    sshConfig: ""
    knownHosts: ""

Enabling image scanning and automatic update

  - namespace: web-dev
    fluxVersion: 1.20.1.flanksource.1
    gitUrl: ssh://ß
        gitKey: !!template '{{file.Read "deploy.key" |  base64.Encode}}'
    disableScanning: false
      registry-include-image: "*/web/*"

Once Flux is configured for image scanning, deployments need opt-in to updates with the following annotations

2 "true" semver:~1.3

You can turn off the automation with "false" or with "true".

Things to notice:

  • The annotations are made in metadata.annotations, not in spec.template.metadata.

  • The references the container name podinfo, this will change based on your container name. If you have multiple containers you would have multiple lines like that.

  • The value for the annotation should includes the filter pattern type, in this case semver.

Enabling garbage collection

By default, Flux will not remove resources that were removed in git. To enable garbage collection of deleted resources using a mark and sync approach configure as follows:

  - namespace: web-dev
    gitUrl: !!template https://{{ getenv "GITHUB_BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN" }}
    gitPath: ./specs/clusters/dev01
    fluxVersion: 1.20.0
      k8s-default-namespace: web-dev
      sync-garbage-collection: true
      k8s-allow-namespace: web-dev

Enabling kustomize

Add a .flux.yml file in the root of your git repository with the following:

version: 1 # must be `1`
  - command: kustomize build .