-c, --config stringArray Path to config file (default [karina.yml])
--dry-run Don't apply any changes, print what would have been done
-e, --extra stringArray Extra arguments to apply e.g. -e ldap.domain=example.com
-h, --help help for karina
--in-cluster Use in cluster kubernetes config
--kubeconfig string Specify a kubeconfig to use, if empty a new kubeconfig is generated from master CA's at runtime
-v, --loglevel count Increase logging level
--prune Delete previously enabled resources (default true)
--skip-decrypt Skip any phases requiring decryption
--trace Print out generated specs and configs
- karina api - Generate docs
- karina apply - Apply a configuration to a resource by filename
- karina backup - Create new velero backup
- karina burnin-controller -
- karina ca - Commands for generating CA certs
- karina cleanup - remove all failed jobs or pods
- karina config - Commands for working with config files
- karina conformance - Run conformance tests using sonobuoy
- karina consul -
- karina dashboard -
- karina db -
- karina deploy -
- karina dns -
- karina docs - generate documentation
- karina etcd -
- karina exec - Execute a shell command inside pods matching selector
- karina exec-node - Execute a shell command inside host mounted daemonset on each node
- karina harbor - Commmands for deploying and interacting with harbor
- karina images - Commands for working with docker images
- karina kubeconfig - Generate kubeconfig files
- karina logs - Retrieve and export logs from ElasticSearch
- karina machine-images - Commands for working with machine images
- karina namespace - Commands for manipulating namespaces
- karina node - Commands for interacting with Kubernetes nodes
- karina nsx - Commands for interacting with NSX clusters
- karina operator - Run karina operator
- karina orphan - Remove owner references from an object
- karina provision - Commands for provisioning clusters and VMs
- karina render - Generate kubeconfig files
- karina report -
- karina rolling -
- karina seal - Seal a secret using sealed-secrets
- karina snapshot - Take a snapshot of the running system
- karina status - Print the status of the cluster and each node
- karina terminate - Terminate a cluster and destroy all VM's and resources associated with it
- karina terminate-node - Cordon and terminate the specified nodes
- karina terminate-orphans - Terminate all orphaned VM's that have not successfully joined the cluster
- karina test -
- karina undelete - Undelete kubernetes objects
- karina unseal - Unseal a secret using sealed-secrets
- karina upgrade - Upgrade the kubernetes control plane
- karina vault - Commands for working with vault
- karina version - Print the version of karina