Decentralized Auth

First generate a new CA using karina ca generate

karina ca generate --name cluster-ca \
  --cert-path cluster-ca.crt \
  --private-key-path cluster-ca.key \
  --password $CA_KEK \
  --expiry 10

Configure karina to use this CA when provisioning:


  cert:  cluster-ca.crt
  privateKey: cluster-ca.key
  password: !!env CA_KEK

Run karina provision to provision a cluster and the shared CA will be injected into new instances allowing PKI based auth.


The CA will only be injected into a new master node, you will need to re-provision all existing masters for changes to take effect.

To generate a new kubeconfig file to access a cluster using a CA run:

karina kubeconfig admin --expiry 1680h --name $USER -c karina.yml

See karina kubeconfig admin